operates as a fan site to give unblocking and streaming guides to other fans like us. It is not owned by or affiliated with Netflix in any way.
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We will try our best to make the website is available all the time with uninterrupted access. However, due to the ever-changing nature of the internet, that is not possible.
There might be an occasional suspension in case of maintenance or the introduction of new features on the site. We will make sure to limit the frequency and duration of any suspension.
Waiver of Liability
The content on this website is set out in good faith for the guidance of the audience. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for the loss or expense incurred as a result of relying on statements made on the site.
We do our utmost to make sure the content on this website is up to date with correct information, but in view of the ever-changing online landscape, we cannot be held responsible for any information contained on the site.
Our writers collect information only from the most reliable sources, but the opinions bases herein cannot be guaranteed.
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Our content may contain links to other websites or services that are not owned by us. Therefore, we have no control over it; hence, we don’t take any responsibility for the content and privacy policies of those websites and services.
The links are only added for the convenience of the readers as does not sponsor, endorse, or control third-party linked websites – so we cannot guarantee satisfaction, services offered, and such.
We strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions of third-party sites before proceeding with any form of transaction.