Bondi Rescue is a popular reality TV series that has been going on since 2006. The Australian show is a documentary of the daily lives of professional lifeguards at one of the busiest beaches in the world, Bondi Beach, Sydney.
It is one of the few reality TV shows that are not scripted. It is refreshing to see loveable lifeguards in action during suspenseful rescues, and spontaneous incidents with beachgoers every now and then.
The show gives a good insight into what lifeguards have to deal with on a daily basis. Bondi Rescue has won various awards in various categories such as the most popular reality program, best factual program, and more.
If you are wondering about the Bondi Rescue cast and characters, read on as we introduce you to the cast of one of the most popular shows.
Bondi Rescue Cast and LifeguardsĀ
Here are the most popular Bondi Rescue lifeguards and cast:
1. Bruce Hopkins (Hoppo)
Bruce Hopkins has been a lifeguard at Bondi Beach Rescue since 2006. Over the past decade, he has been involved in mass rescue and resuscitations more than any other lifeguard.
Hopkins is one of the most experienced lifeguards on the show. He has two children with his wife Karen Griffin.
2. Anthony Caroll (Harries)
Anthony Caroll has been in Bondi Rescue since season 1 in 2006. Harries used to work as a flight attendant before coming to Bondi. Anthony has two kids with wife Emily Carroll.
3. Andrew Reid (Reidy)
Andrew Reid is another popular lifeguard at Bondi Beach. He has been part of the show since 2006. Andrew recently moved his family away from Bondi beach in February 2022 to Lake Macquarie. Because of his move, we are not sure if he will be a part of season 17.
4. Dean Gladstone (Deano)
Dean Gladstone has been a part of the Bondi Rescue lifeguards till 2018. Deano left the show after 18 years of being a lifeguard. Dean works as a personal trainer now and helps people manage stress for better health.
5. Ryan Clark (Whippet)
Ryan Clark has been on Bondi Rescue since 2006 and is known as Whippet. He has made several appearances on Australian TV shows like Home and Away, Our Lips Are Sealed, and The Black Balloon. He has three children with wife Gina Brackenridge.
6. Chris Chapman (Chappo)
Chris Chapman has been on Bondi Rescue since season 1. Apart from being a lifeguard, Chris is a barista. His most intense rescue was reviving a young man who had been struck by lightning.
7. Kristian Yates (Yatesy)
Kristian Yates has been a lifeguard in the show since season 1. He has also been a part of Bondi Rescue Bali.
8. Aaron Graham (Azza)
Aaron Graham has been on Bondi Rescue from 2009-2016. He has more than 26 years of lifeguard experience.
9. Greg Bishop (Bacon)
Greg Bishop is a regular lifeguard at Bondi Rescue. He has been a part of the cast since 2006.
10. Aaron BuchanĀ
Aaron has been a lifeguard for 9 years. He loves mountain biking and says the hardest part of his job is to see the beach left in an appalling state by beachgoers.
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